Dent Family Miniature Horse Ranch




Miniature Horse Breeding Stallions Thanks for visiting our website. Miniature Horse Brood Mares

6855 69th Street
Vero Beach, Florida
Ph: 772-562-9458


Video Clips Below Best Viewed in 50%Screen with Windows Media Player :

Dent Ranch in 1956

Dent Ranch in 1960

Breeding Stallion at Dent Ranch in 1960

Dent Ranch in 1980

Naomi "Sparky" Dent  Memorial Page

Click Here For More Miniature Horse Videos
On our website you will find baby miniature horse foals for sale, miniature horse yearlings for sale, and miniature horse 2 year olds, 4 year olds and 5 year olds for sale. Most of our two and three year old miniature horse mares for sale have several generations of pinto breeding in their background increasing the chances of pinto producing miniature brood mares. Majority of our miniature horse breeding stallions are pinto or have pinto in their background. Our additional photo gallery of past foals and past sold miniature horses show a wide variety of colors in our breeding program. The photos span over the last 20 years and will give you an idea of what we have produced in the past.. All miniature horses on our for sale pages were born and raised on our ranch. American miniature horses.
We are dedicated to the breed of the miniature horse. During foaling season we stay up for approximately 100 nights watching the broodmares, while still continuing to do all the necessary work during the day. We strive to hand deliver each and every miniature horse foal that is born. Each brood mare and foal is kept in the barn with turnout for the first 30 days after being born. All our miniature horses are grain fed each and every day of the year. We wean our foals at 4 months of age. After that they are grain fed twice a day, with non rationed hay, plus turnout during the coolness of night on fertilized pasture. All the foals are led on a halter while here at the home place during turn out time. They are handled on a daily basis the first 30 days after they are born. All the foals have their ears, chin, and leg hairs clipped during this time. They are wormed twice the first 30 days along with their dams. At weaning time they are tied up and led with a halter. They get their necessary shot and are wormed on a 6 week interval. They are all body clipped once they settle down from the weaning process. 100% of our time, effort and work is based around the miniature horse. Our days are from 8 hours in the off season of foaling up to 20 hours during the 4 months of foaling season. We take pride in the number of foals we have hand delivered over the past 65 years and the lives we have saved by being with the miniature horses at foaling time.

Chuck Dent Memorial Pages

History Page

Above picture is of 3 yearling fillies and 1 yearling stud colt.

Picture of Chuck Dent taken in 1932.

172 Miniature Horse Photos

Miniature Horse Care

Driving Page

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Our History:

Our family history in breeding for the small horses began in 1947 when Chuck Dent purchased some mares and a stallion. As a young man in the 1930's his father had a few small horses. This put the idea into motion of breeding and raising the miniature horse before the idea was created on a global scale. By the mid 1950's the herd had grown to 100 broodmares. He had one stallion that measured 32 inches. From there, the beginning of breeding down for even smaller horses began. We had a wide variety of color in our miniature horses even back in the 1950's. This trend has continued over the years. By the 1980's over 200 miniature horses roamed the pastures of the Dent Ranch. Some of the stock that we now have can be traced back to the horses we had in the 1950's. We are one of the few breeders of the small horse that has been in the business for over 60 years. We continue on the tradition that was started in 1947. Miniture horses are the next best thing to a large toy horse.

Over the years we have sold miniature horses throughout the United States from Florida to Maine to Texas to California to Alaska and Hawaii. Outside the United States we have sold to Canada, Holland, Qatar, Puerto Rico, Jamica, Aruba, Mexico, Austria, Germany, Japan, Venezuela and Columbia South America, Costa Rica Central America and China.

Above picture of Chuck Dent at the age of 81 at the AMHA show at the Florida State Fair.




Website Created by:
Johnny Dent

Copyright © 1998 - 2025 Dent Family Miniature Horse Ranch


 MARCH 14, 2025

If your looking to buy miniature horses and have them transported to International countries, we can give you contact information of transporters within several hours of our ranch that have quarantine facilities along with veterinarians to do the International paper work along with required blood tests. We also have International shippers abroad we can recommend to you. They can ship miniature horses to Belize, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Dominica Republic, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, France, Ireland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Spain, Finland, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Qatar, China and many other countries.


UPDATED  MARCH 14,  2025


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